The best exercises to get rid of bat wings
Troubled by bat wings? You can do something about it, and it’s not difficult at all. There are plenty of exercises you can do comfortably at home to get rid of them. We’ve compiled the most effective exercises for you. Are you ready to get started?
Bat wings, better known as the flabby skin of the upper arm, occur when there is an imbalance between muscle mass and skin. There is insufficient muscle mass, often due to aging and extreme weight loss.
Mass Strength training can prevent and improve bat wings. The more muscles you have and the lower your body fat percentage, the less visible your bat wings will be. The key muscles to strengthen in the upper arm are the biceps and triceps. The biceps are located on the front of the upper arm, while the triceps are located on the back.
Exercises tricep
Dips For this exercise, you’ll need a bench or chair. You can easily perform this exercise at home or in the park on a bench. Sit on the bench, place your hands flat on the bench next to you. Lower your buttocks off the bench and extend your legs straight in front of you. Your arms should be at a 90-degree angle on the bench. Push yourself up so that your arms are fully extended. Then, lower yourself back down in a controlled manner to the starting position. Perform this exercise as many times as you can manage.
Tricep extension
For this exercise, you’ll need dumbbells, but a water bottle will also work. Hold the weight with both hands. Lift the weight above your head. Slowly lower the weight as far as possible behind your head. Then, return the weight to the starting position. Contract your triceps throughout the exercise.
Bicep curl
For this exercise, you’ll need dumbbells, but two water bottles will also work. Stand or sit and hold a weight in each hand. Keep your arms beside your body. Move the dumbbell upward while keeping the elbows in the same position next to the body. Only the forearms should move.
Lie on your stomach with your hands flat on the ground at chest level. Place your feet about 10 centimeters apart. You can make this exercise easier by kneeling. Straighten your arms, lifting your body off the ground. Engage all your muscles.
Lie on your stomach with your feet about 10 centimeters apart. Place your elbows under your shoulders. Engage your core, glute, and back muscles, lifting your hips off the ground. Keep your body as straight as possible. Hold this position for as long as you can.