Unexpected calorie burners! 

“Getting in shape for summer” or running every day on your New Year’s resolutions list again? But do you always forget about it because you supposedly don’t have time? Don’t worry! We have listed seven unexpected calorie burners for you. This way, you’ll be busy burning calories without even realizing it! 

  1. Relaxing 

You might think it’s impossible to burn calories while relaxing, but nothing could be further from the truth. Sitting in front of the TV for an hour burns about 65 calories. You can burn even more calories by not using a remote control and standing up every time you change the channel, if your TV allows it. Enjoy channel surfing! 

  1. Brushing your teeth 

Ever feel unmotivated to brush your teeth? Maybe you’ll find a little more motivation knowing that two minutes of toothbrushing burns 5.7 calories. It’s not a huge amount, but every little bit helps! 

  1. Cleaning 

Most people don’t enjoy cleaning, but it’s actually a great workout! Plus, your housemates will be very happy about it. 

  • 30 minutes of dusting (80 calories) 
  • 30 minutes of vacuuming (120 calories) 
  • 30 minutes of ironing (75 calories) 
  • 15 minutes of mopping (70 calories) 

Want to take it to the next level? Cleaning the inside and outside of a car will keep you busy for about 2 hours and burns a whopping 500 calories! 

  1. Hosting a dinner 

As a host, you’re always busy, and that naturally burns calories. If you cook and set the table for about 38 minutes, you’ll burn around 100 calories. 

  1. Shopping 

Yes, here’s another good reason to go shopping! Shopping is actually great if you want to lose weight. Walking around all day and carrying bags are the real calorie burners. Just half an hour of shopping burns 100 calories. Of course, the heavier the bags, the more calories you’ll burn. So go all out! 

  1. Using the restroom 

Yes, you even burn calories on the toilet. Make yourself comfortable with your phone or a magazine and burn 1 calorie per minute. 

  1. Sleeping 

Isn’t sleeping for lazy people? Not at all! An average night’s sleep of about 8 hours burns around 400 calories. 

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