Tips for a morning without rushing 

A morning without rushing around to get everything done before your day might seem like a dream or rare occurrence for you but there are some steps you could put in place to help ease the morning madness. It may be challenging to maintain, but it’s definitely worth a try. We’ll give you some tips to help you have a calm and peaceful morning! 

Pack your bag the night before 

Whether it’s your work bag or your children’s school bag, pack it the night before. This will save you a tremendous amount of time in the morning. 

Go to bed on time 

You may think this is obvious, but a good night’s sleep will prevent you from staying in bed longer than you should in the morning as you are too tired from the night before. You want to sleep for as long as possible, we get that, but that often leads to being late and rushing. Try to prevent that by getting enough sleep. Getting out of bed as soon as you wake up in the morning is also a good idea. Did you know it’s harder to get out of bed after two seconds of your alarm going off? 

Lay out your clothes the night before 

Does this sound familiar to you – You’ve gotten up, had a shower, and you are standing in front of your wardrobe and don’t know what to wear. How nice would it be to just get up and roll into an outfit? Try picking your outfit the night before or even ironing your work clothes for the week ahead on Sunday.  

Don’t shower in the morning 

If you realise you spend a long time showering in the morning, experiment with showering the night before to regain some time in the morning. You can freshen up in the morning with a washcloth, water, and soap, saving you precious time you could spend on something else. 

Prepare your lunch cleverly 

You can also choose to prepare your lunch in advance the night before. You could also cook more for dinner so that you have leftovers for lunch! Another option is to make your lunch while you’re preparing breakfast. 

These tips should hopefully help take the rush out of your morning routine. However, remember not to stay in bed longer just because everything is already prepared, enjoy your regained time but be proactive. You’ll notice the difference – we promise you! 

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