The healing power of dates 

Dates are not only delicious but also beneficial for your health. They make a perfect substitute for candy. Let us tell you all about the health benefits of dates. 

Vitamins and minerals 

Dates are rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Vitamin B, in particular, is abundant in this fruit. It contains a significant amount of vitamin B6, providing approximately 19% of the daily recommended intake. Therefore, consuming multiple dates in a day easily meets this requirement. 

Let’s not forget about vitamin B5, vitamin A, and folate, which are also present in dates. Furthermore, dates are packed with copper, offering an impressive 40% of the daily recommended intake, making them a true nutritional powerhouse. 


In addition to the vitamins and minerals that contribute to the fruit’s overall healthiness, dates also contain phytonutrients, including tannins. This compound possesses anti-inflammatory properties. If you want to maintain healthy eyes, snacking on dates is highly recommended. Zeaxanthin, a substance absorbed by the eyes from dates, helps prevent age-related macular degeneration. 

Of course, there are many more benefits to eating dates. Here are a few additional effects: 

– Since dates contain zeaxanthin, which combats macular degeneration, they can help prevent blindness. 

– They are effective in relieving constipation due to their high fiber content. 

– Apart from alleviating constipation, dates also work well for diarrhea, thanks to their high potassium content. 

– Dates are a healthy and ideal food for recovery and regaining strength. 

– The tannins in dates also help combat inflammation, such as in the case of acne. 

How to Incorporate More Dates into Your Diet 

As mentioned earlier, dates make a delicious sweet snack. With a fruit like dates, you no longer need candy. They are delightful when chopped into small pieces and mixed with other fruits for a tasty fruit salad. You can also incorporate them into a green salad, combining them with nuts and various types of cheese. 

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