5 causes of swollen fingers 

Swollen fingers, we’ve all experienced them, and sometimes you can easily put on a ring in the morning but struggle to take it off in the afternoon. The editorial team will now explain the 5 possible causes of swollen fingers! 

During movement: 

Have you ever noticed that your fingers swell during activities like walking? It’s completely normal. When you move or exercise, your heart, lungs, and muscles require more oxygen than when you’re sitting still, for example. Blood flows more to those areas than to your fingers, causing the small blood vessels to expand and your fingers to swell. 

You have a kidney disease: 

Most of the time, swollen fingers have innocent causes, but in some cases, such as with a kidney disease, there may be something else going on. If you have a kidney disease, swollen fingers can be one of the first symptoms. Due to the kidney disease, fluid may not leave your body properly or at all. 

You have an infection: 

Swollen fingers can also indicate an infection. For example, you may have paronychia, which is an infection in the nail base usually caused by bacteria or fungus. You may also have a condition called “felon,” which is an infection that can be very painful and affects the fingertip. It is important to promptly treat infections in the fingers as they can spread to other parts of the body. 


Arthritis, also known as rheumatoid arthritis, is a form of rheumatism that affects the joints. In addition to pain and stiffness, it can also cause swelling in the fingers. 

Certain medications: 

Certain medications can also cause swollen fingers.  

Painkillers commonly used by many people, such as aspirin and/or ibuprofen, can cause swollen fingers, for example. Additionally, there are other medications that can lead to swollen fingers. These are often prescribed by a doctor. 

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