3 Ways to reduce dark circles 

We’ve all experienced it—dark circles under the eyes, making you look tired. Dark circles aren’t necessarily related to age; both young and old can get them. But how do you get rid of them quickly? What causes dark circles, and more importantly, how can you prevent them? 


Dark circles can arise for various reasons. Sometimes, genetics play a role, and in that case, there’s little you can do. Lack of sleep is another common cause. Here’s more about why dark circles appear and how to combat them. 

1. Get enough sleep 

It might seem obvious, but are you getting enough sleep? When you don’t sleep enough, collagen— the substance that keeps your skin firm—breaks down. Without collagen, dark circles and sagging skin can develop more easily. Adults are advised to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. If you’re not getting enough rest, try going to bed earlier and wake up feeling fresh with brighter eyes. 

2. Stay hydrated  

You might be surprised to learn that dehydration is the number one cause of dark circles. When you don’t drink enough water, the skin around your eyes becomes not only drier but also thinner. This makes the blood vessels beneath your skin more visible, making dark circles stand out even more. Aim to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day to prevent this. 

3. Relax 

Stress and tension are also major contributors to dark circles. When you’re stressed, the skin under your eyes becomes thinner, making the blood vessels more visible. Relaxation is key, so make time to do things that bring you joy and help you unwind. 

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