10 Eating tips during your menstruation

Experiencing cravings during menstruation is completely normal. During this time, your body goes through many changes, and it’s essential to nourish it with foods that help maintain stable blood sugar levels and balanced hormones. Here are some foods that can make you feel better during your menstruation.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is a popular choice for those craving sweets. It is rich in potassium, which aids muscle function and eases cramps. Opt for dark chocolate over milk or white varieties, as it is generally healthier and more beneficial in moderation.


Staying hydrated by drinking water helps combat water retention and bloating. Steer clear of carbonated drinks, which can worsen bloating.


Certain teas can alleviate menstrual symptoms. Chamomile tea can soothe abdominal cramps, while ginger tea helps with nausea and inflammation.


Oatmeal is loaded with vitamin B, providing energy and reducing fatigue. Try making oatmeal pancakes for breakfast—a delicious and nutritious start to your day.

Citrus fruits

Oranges, lemons, and limes are excellent sources of calcium, which can help reduce depressive feelings, anxiety, and painful cramps.


Bananas are high in vitamin B, boosting your mood and regulating digestion, a common issue during menstruation.

Whole grain bread

Whole grain bread is rich in fiber, magnesium, and vitamins B and E. Fiber helps eliminate pain-causing substances, while magnesium prevents muscle cramps. Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid bloating.


Avocados are ideal during menstruation, containing healthy fats, fiber, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins E and B6. These nutrients help balance hormones effectively.


Menstruation can lead to a drop in iron levels due to blood loss. Replenish your iron with spinach, kale, or red meat to combat fatigue and weakness.


Fish like salmon and sardines are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. These nutrients reduce cramps and improve mood, promoting overall well-being during menstruation.

By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can better manage symptoms and maintain your well-being throughout your menstrual cycle. Remember to listen to your body and make choices that work best for you.

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