Does green tea help with acne?

Instead of trying out all the products at a drugstore, green tea might be your saving grace. Green tea is already present in many products, from creams to dietary supplements, face masks, and cleansing tonics.


Acne primarily affects young people between the ages of 15 and 25. It begins during puberty and can result in permanent scarring. Many people with this skin condition feel insecure and don’t know how to deal with it. Hormonal changes during puberty make the sebaceous glands more prone to inflammation, leading to the formation of pimples. These pimples often appear on the face, making them highly visible.


Research has been conducted on the effect of green tea on acne. Half of the participants received a cream or supplement containing green tea, while the other half received a placebo. A placebo is a type of medication that lacks active ingredients. The participants were unaware of whether the treatment they received contained green tea, ensuring the best possible results.

The results

The use of creams with green tea led to a reduction in the number of pimples. However, studies using green tea supplements did not show any significant improvement in treating acne. Creams work better because they are directly applied to the skin.

Other creams for acne

Another cream for individuals seeking an over-the-counter acne treatment is a gel containing 5% benzoyl peroxide. This gel helps reduce inflammation, kill bacteria, and prevent thickening. It is available in pharmacies and drugstores.

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